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Meet Yasmine.
Certified Nutrition Coach. Personal Trainer. Ex-Dancer. 
(And short girl who loves food too much to give it up.)


Certified Fitness Trainer 
and Nutrition Coach

Hi! I'm Yasmine - a 5'1 woman and qualified coach who understands the confidence and self-image struggles a short woman goes through.


After studying and researching the science behind sustained energy, fat loss and body recomposition for petite women and transforming my body and confidence, I was inspired to create Shorty Gains to help other women do the same.


There isn't (and shouldn't be) a one size fits all approach to nutrition & weight loss - it's about time shorter women got tailored guidance so that they can finally escape the disappointment of diets and "magical" supplements and feel confident, sexy and empowered to do the things they've always wanted to do. 

Are you a petite woman (under 5ft 4in) who has tried dieting and cutting calories to lose fat, but hated every minute of the diet because you were eating so little. And then you ended up regaining the weight you lost after the diet anyway?


Or are you that short girl who has tried doing things like cardio, Pilates, YouTube workouts etc, but still haven't managed to get that "lean" look, or to tone up and feel strong?


I've been there. It's frustrating


You wake up every morning, and you feel completely deflated by all the diets and workouts you've tried, but you just feel, deep down, that they're not working as they should and something is just... off?


... and you didn't even enjoy the process anyway!


You might even feel like, as a short girl, you can see every single gram of weight that you gain. Which, to be honest, feels kind of crappy - especially when your taller friends seem to look all slim and slender all of the time even if they gain a few kilos.​


And because of all of this - it can (understandably) be really difficult to feel like a sexy and confident woman when you look in the mirror every morning. 


So now you're just de-motivated, lacking confidence and don't see the point in trying. 


If you've ever felt like this, then...

We need to talk.


My name is Yasmine. I am a qualified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach helping short women to gain energy, lose fat the sustainable way and feel sexy in their petite frame without dieting.


If you're a petite woman, and you know there must be a way to lose the excess fat you've been trying to lose for so long, but you just need to understand how to do it the proper way as a shorter woman - I'm here to help you. 


I love supporting petite women on their weight loss journey because I've been on that journey myself. I understand how it feels. 


I want to share everything I've learnt about sustainable weight loss over the last few years because I know what it feels like to feel stuck and completely hopeless when you've been disappointed with the results so many times before. 


Once I discovered the key to successful fat loss and muscle gain as a 5ft 1in woman, I went from feeling insecure about how my shorter body looked to strutting down the streets and owning my height and my body. 


I finally felt in control of my health. And that is just priceless.


Imagine waking up every morning, looking at yourself in the mirror and absolutely LOVING what you see.


Imagine putting on clothes you never thought you could "pull off" before, AND feeling strong, sexy and powerful in them.


Imagine having the energy and confidence to strut down the streets in your form-fitting clothes, and feeling so vibrant and self-assured that you can finally pursue your goals and dreams, whether that's a promotion, or someone who have your eye on...


It absolutely breaks my heart to see beautiful petite women hate their bodies, just because they haven't been taught how to eat, live and exercise in a way that actually works for a shorter body.


The solution is so simple. All it takes is a little hand-holding and education.


If you don't know where to start, but are ready to take the leap to feel vibrant, sexy and in control of your health - I would love to help you.


I can take you from "I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I've tried everything" to "it all makes so much sense!".

Ready to start feeling like that sexy, confident, energised woman you know you can be? 

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