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How to feel confident as a short girl

So, you're shorter than average?

You're under 5'4? Maybe you're 5'3... 5'1... 4'11?

Whatever your height, you deserve to feel INCREDIBLE and proud of your body.

But, I get it. How are you supposed to feel confident when you're a small woman bombarded with pictures of tall tanned fitness influencers, Victoria Secret models and clothing rails filled with jeans and dress that drown you?

Here are 3 KEY things I do as 5'1 woman to boost my confidence when I notice myself criticising my body for being shorter:

Tip No. 1: Find your Role Models

The fact that we're surrounded by images of women who don't look like us, i.e. tall women, models etc, means that we start to think that there's a problem with us.

But the opposite it true.

The problem is the fact that shorter women with more petite frames are almost never represented in mainstream media. IMAGINE if the only thing we saw in the media was models under 5'4 and petite fitness influencers?

I absolutely doubt we'd feel like we were at a disadvantage if short women were as widely represented and praised as tall women are...

So, because there aren't many petite role models out there to look up to, we need to seek them out intentionally and use them as proof of the fact that short IS beautiful.

Surround yourself with people who look like you and absorb the magic that is being petite. I promise, after some time your thoughts around being short will start to change. You'll catch yourself thinking things like "Well, if she can hold herself with confidence in her smaller frame, then why can't I?"

Here are a few of the celebs I look up to (I even have some of them on my vision board right now): Shakira (5'2), Scarlett Johansson (5'3), Natalie Portman (5'3), Salma Hayek (5'2), Lady Gaga (5'1).

Tip No.2: Don't settle for clothes that are too big for you

Ok, don't get me wrong, I KNOWWW how difficult it is for shorter women to find clothes that don't absolutely drown smaller frames. Like coats and jackets where the sleeves don't go past your hands... Or jeans that don't wrinkle at the bottom (literally the bane of my whole life) and maxi dresses that drag across the floor.

Relatable much???? I thought so.

But even though clothes that actually fit are hard to find, DOESN'T mean we should be settle for clothes that don't fit us properly.

Why? Firstly, because nothing feels worse than wearing clothes you know don't quite hug you in the right places and that you don't feel 100% confident in.

And secondly, clothes should work to fit YOU. Wearing clothes that don't fit you regularly will send subconscious messages to your brain that you need to change in order to fit clothes, instead of the actual truth of the matter, which is that the clothes need to change to fit you.

You shouldn't be buying clothes unless you try them on and say to yourself "umm, HELL YES" (feel free to say this in your head if you don't want to be an absolute lunatic like me and talk to yourself in public).

So, how do you go about this?

  • Well, it'll take a lot of trial and error. But have a look in the petite section of stores (the ones that have them) e.g. ASOS. Also look for 28 or 30 inseam length jeans instead of the average 32 inseam length, depending on your height and preferences.

  • For dresses, tea dresses are usually great at hugging a petite frame. And if you find a dress that doesn't quite hug you the way you want, try adding a belt.

  • For tops that are too big, try tucking them in (french tuck or full tuck) or look into buying tops that are slightly cropped.

Don't be afraid to take time with your shopping, because you deserve to wear clothes that fit you an to feel confident and sexy in everything you wear.

Tip No.3: Change the language you use about your height

How many times have you said "oh I'm so short, I'm only (*insert height*)" when someone's asked how tall you are.

Or "oh yeah, I have to wear heels because I'm sooo short and need a boost".

And I get it. Sometimes being short IS an absolute pain in the ass. Like don't get me started on the ordeal that is trying to see anyone on stage at a concert, lol.

BUT, in other situations, our height is our strength. It's what makes us who we are. Beautifully short, petite women - perfect the way we are. Just because society hasn't represented us enough and doesn't include petite women in mainstream beauty standards, doesn't mean they're right.

Next time you catch yourself talking about your height in a negative way, stop yourself and change the wording.

Instead of saying "urgh, I'm only 5'0", try saying "Yep, I'm 5'1". The word "only" suggests it's a bad thing to be short - don't use that word when it comes to your height.

The words you use to comment on your height (on anything about your appearance) wires your brain to have certain beliefs about yourself. YOU get to rewire brain to have different and better beliefs about yourself by changing the language you use about yourself, which will in turn boost your body confidence <3

If you haven't listened to the recent podcast episode with the amazing Sam Altieri on the "Be More Real" podcast - listen to it here.

It's all about the mistakes we made as short women and what we do now to feel incredible in our shorter bodies.

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